On November 9th in Copenhagen, the Cross-Border Digital Services (CBDS) programme, financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers, gathered leading voices and experts from the digitally advanced Nordic and Baltic countries to address the current- and future state of digital connectivity and cross-border mobility in Europe.

CBDS Seminar 2023, November 9th
CBDS Seminar 2023, November 9.
Sessions at the seminar, minute by minute:
- Opening Ceremony: 00:23:50
- Delivery and first-hand look at the Nordic-Baltic Handbook on cross-border data exchange 00:51:00
- Showcase of Nordic-Baltic Pilots and Proof of Concepts OOTS SDG 01:29:00
- How to enable cross-border use of eIDs? A declaration on identity Matching 02:01:00
- Digital Identity Wallets 03:54:00
- Leaving no one behind - Digital inclision in Action 04:54:00
- Public sector and artificial intelligence, an unexpexted union? 05:44:00
Graphic recording from the seminar
During the seminar we had the privilege of having Mathilde Riou recording the event graphically. The seven sessions carried out in the main hall of the conference were all captured brillianty by Mathilde. You can find these graphic recordings by clicking the various sessions in the seminar´s agenda below.
Please note and respect the copyright-notice for these works.

The seminar aims to illuminate current far-reaching societal developments and benefits that are resulting from the Nordic-Baltic co-operation on digital transformation and how we together can meet the challenges accompanying digitalisation.
Three years has passed since the Nordic and Baltic countries declared their commitment towards creating the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. This declaration, known as the, Digital North 2.0, communicated objectives of building a common area for cross-border digital services, a fair data economy for economic and sustainable growth, and taking increased leadership in Europe´s digital transformation. Since then, several initatives on digitalisation have materialised, such as the CBDS Programme. Its target: to accelerate digital transformation and mobility in our region.
Recognizing recent developments and discourses connected to digital transformation, both at EU-level and worldwide - How far has the Nordic-Baltic digital flagship crossed amidst the waves of technological hype, concerns for privacy and digital exclusion? Moreover, what does it take for cross-border services to succeed? In Copenhagen, we wish to adress questions like these together. Both by revisiting what milestones that has been achieved by the CBDS Programme´s projects and linked initiatves, and by employing a sober eye to how the Nordic and Baltic countries may contribute to the shaping of Europe´s digital future in a safe, ethcial, and citizen-centric manner.
Nordic values are integrated in the heart of every level of our endeavours. Reflecting this, the CBDS Seminar will headlight a profile of openness, equality, and trust. Upholding these values is essential if we are to acheive our 2030 vision of a green, competitive, and socially sustainable Nordic region.
The seminar´s concept
For some of our partners, this seminar will represent the culmination or near-end of their projects, while others are just embarking on their journey. As such, the CBDS Seminar will be an arena for building new knowledge and insights, as well as inspiration for future work and increased cross-border collaborations.
The seminar will feature plenary sessions in which you may experience the official release of the Handbook on cross-border data exchange, practical showcases of the Once Only Technical System, a panel debate between Nordic-Baltic consortia that are piloting EU´s digital identity wallet, and anticipations for- and experience with artitificial intelligence in the public sector.
In parallel to the plenary sessions, the seminar offer public sector experts and relevant stakeholder to engage in topic-specific workshops. The workshops will be facilitated by the projects in the CBDS Programme, and address topics such as identity matching, versatile use of legal databases, using health services, and stuyding in another Nordic-Baltic country. Participation in the workshops is optional.
While building knowledge and new insights are on the agenda, an auxiliary aim of the seminar is to facilitate a meeting place for experts and people working with digital transformation in the region - where new relations and networks can be established.
Agenda - Plenary sessions
Sessions to be held in the main conference hall:
- 08:30: Networking Breakfast
A light breakfast will be served for the early birds
- 09:30: Opening Ceremony - setting the scene (André Jamholt , Ida Heimann Larsen, Einar Gunnar Thoroddsen)
- Welcome from the Cross Border Digital Service Programme Secretariat. High-level opening of the seminar.
- Welcome from the Cross Border Digital Service Programme Secretariat. High-level opening of the seminar.
- 10:10: Delivery and first-hand look at the the Nordic-Baltic Handbook on cross-border data exchange (Mikko Matinnen)
Mikko Mattinen from the Finish Digital Agency will present the results from three years of working on the project “Achieving the World’s Smoothest Cross-Border Mobility and Daily Life through Digitalisation”, creating a shared model and practices for improving the effectiveness of cross-border data-exchange.
- 10:45: Showcase of Nordic-Baltic Pilots and Proof of Concepts, Once Only Technical System, Single Digital Gateway (Mervi Kylmänen-Paakki)
The Single Digital Gateway (SDG) is one of the most ambitious EU eGovernment initiatives to digitalise public administration. It is then no small feat that this CBDS project, focusing on legal and technical aspects of the OOP architecture in the Single Digital Gateway regulation (SDGR), received praise from the European Commission earlier this year.
Since then, Project manager Mervi Kylmänen-Paakki and her team have ended their mission, and are now ready to share their results. At the seminar, she will present the core findings and possible ways forward. As the SDG-regulation has an implementation date 12. December, this session couldn’t be more relevant.
- 11:15: How to enable cross-border use of eIDs? A declaration on identity matching. (Raul Eks, Ken Laas , Ismail Özkan)
The Nordic-Baltic eID Cooperation (NOBID) project works with the overall aim to enable citizens of our region to use their national eID solution from their home country, to access and enjoy digital services in another country in the region. The project plays a vital role in enhancing cross-border digital mobility and service provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
One of the key elements of achieving cross-border use of eIDs, is identity matching. As a result of the collaboration in NOBID, a political declaration was recently signed by the Nordic and Baltic ministers for digitalization. In this session, the agreed principles that constitute this declaration will be presented.
12:00: Lunch
- 13:00: Digital identity wallets – pilots, opportunities, and challenges for the Nordic-Baltic region (Runar Ugelstad , Riitta Partala, Sarah Amandusson, Ismail Özkan , Tangui Coulouarn)
Last year, the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) awarded multiple consortiums with presence from the Nordic and Baltic region to test and leverage the proposed European Digital Identity Wallet. In the digital realm, the wallet is communicated by the European Union as the next moon landing, and symbolizes giant leap towards user-centric digital transformation and online autonomy.
In this session, a panel discussion amongst consortia will commence, offering insights to their work and what benefits and use cases the wallet may offer.
- 14:00: Leave no one behind - Digital Inclusion in action, delivery of a white paper (Sigrid Jessen, Herman Walby)
The Nordic and Baltic countries are among the most digitally mature countries in the world. With this level of digitalization, also comes a responsibility to make sure that no one is left behind. Here, the issuance and use of electronic identity means plays a key role. This is because eIDs are highly related to access to digital services.
An expert working group within the NOBID project is mapping out the challenges various user groups are facing in relation to different operations on obtaining or using eIDs in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The group has also looked at existing and planned solutions for parts of these challenges. Through a collaboration with the “Digital Inclusion in Action” project led by Nordregio, this working group has extended its´ scope beyond the countries in the NOBID project to include Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland as well.
This session will give an overview of elements that impact the issuance and use of eIDs, the various challenges different user groups are facing, and give examples of promising solutions for some of these challenges.
14:30: Coffee break
- 14:45: Public sector and artificial intelligence, an unexpected union? (Heather Broomfield , Pilleriin Lillemets)
“In her “A Union that strives for more - My agenda for Europe” from 2019, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, stated that:
“Data and AI are the ingredients for innovation that can help us to find solutions to societal challenges, from health to farming, from security to manufacturing. In order to release that potential we have to find our European way, balancing the flow and wide use of data while preserving high privacy, security, safety and ethical standards.”
Since then, the EU has pursued an aggressive strategy for both sharing of data and AI, with several actions and initiatives.
AI is now at the top of the agenda for many Nordic and EU Countries. The possibilities from the use of AI in the public sector are undoubtably tremendous, and the dialogue, perspectives and indeed examples of use are many. But:
Do we have a common understanding of what is possible to achieve by using AI in our public sectors?
Do we comprehend the level of transformation this can bring to the public sector?
The Nordic social democratic model is a standard for which to strive. Is AI an opportunity or a threat to this model? Is public leadership making conscious informed choices about the direction?
Three speakers will share their thoughts and discuss these questions from different angles, setting the scene for different perspectives on AI in the public sector. Hopefully, everyone will gain new insights and questions to ponder from this session.
- 16:05: Aperitif
Seminar workshops (optional)
Time slots for the seminar´s workshops, led by the respective projects in the CBDS Programme. Do note that the latter the workshops run in parallel to the some of the sessions in the main hall. The latter three workshops also commence at the same time.
- 13:00: Workshop on the versatile use of the Nordic and Baltic legal databases (Aki Hietanen)
This workshop will be led by the third work package of the project “World’s Smoothest Cross-Border Mobility and Daily Life Through Digitalisation”.
During this workshop, Aalto University Research Group on Semantic Computing and Finnish Ministry of Justice will introduce a Proof-of-Concept of a Joint search interface for Nordic and Baltic legislative databases, utilising machine readable data formats.
The Proof-of-Concept utilises two different legal databases, the Estonian Riigi Teataja and Finnish Finlex, with the Lawsampo platform.
Welcome to the workshop to hear more on data structures, metadata, utilisation of keywords and thesauri, as well as building search elements based on life events.
- 14:45: Workshop on identity matching (Ismail Özkan)
This workshop will be led by NOBID together with Civitta and SK ID Solutions. More information TBA.
- 14:45: Workshop on building semantic interoperability in cross-border health services
Workshop on building semantic interoperability in cross-border health services
This workshop will be led by the second work package of the World’s Smoothest Cross-Border Mobility and Daily Life Through Digitalisation, "Using health services in another Nordic or Baltic country".
Presented as a case example we'll hear more on Digital Maternity Cards and utilisation of the Finnish Interoperability platform.
- 14:45: Workshop on studying in another Nordic-Baltic country (Riikka Rissanen, Petteri Pulli)
- “This workshop will introduce the handbook of cross-border data exchange from the perspective of educational credentials. The agenda is flexible based on the participants’ interest. More information about the project responsible for the workshop can be found here: Improved cross-border digital services for studying abroad in the Nordic and Baltic countries (CBDS-Study).”
- “This workshop will introduce the handbook of cross-border data exchange from the perspective of educational credentials. The agenda is flexible based on the participants’ interest. More information about the project responsible for the workshop can be found here: Improved cross-border digital services for studying abroad in the Nordic and Baltic countries (CBDS-Study).”