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OOTS 2.0

The SDG Regulation, effective since 2018, mandates the implementation of the Once Only Technical System (OOTS). This system is intended to allow seamless cross-border transfer of documents between authorities in different member states upon user request. This goal of this project is to study the possible legal and technical challenges which the possible future phase of OOTS may have, and to test the plan with proof of concepts.

The OOTS 2.0 project focuses on enhancing the current OOTS architecture to facilitate seamless background transfer of structured data between Nordic and Baltic countries during various procedures. This involves identifying and addressing technical, data protection, and legal challenges that may hinder such exchanges. Through Proof-Of-Concepts, the project aims to test the practical implementation of background data exchange using the OOTS architecture, ensuring users can track data usage. The results will be communicated at Nordic, Baltic, and European levels to influence the European Commission and advocate for amendments to EU legislation that support Nordic and Baltic data sharing practices. The project will encourage EU member states to utilize OOTS for structured data exchanges by demonstrating its benefits. This effort includes creating a simplified high-level architecture description for using OOTS as a backend system, assessing necessary amendments to the SDG Regulation and/or the OOTS Implementing Regulation, producing a data protection report to address potential issues, and developing a process description for pre-filling e-service application forms with structured data. Finally, a PoC of the proposed high-level architecture will be implemented.

For the Nordic and Baltic cooperation, the OOTS 2.0 project is strengthening cooperation between the countries. This project also aims to bolster the region's technical leadership in line with MR DIGITAL goals. It will guide the development of SDG OOTS to reflect the Nordic Baltic perspective, ensuring the region is well-prepared for any future changes introduced by the European Commission.

Contact information for the project
Project manager: Kirsi Mikkonen, SDG Finland
